
My two-year old nephew constantly reminds me to exercise. Every. Single. Day.

Whenever he sees that I’m up, he’ll go and tell me, “Tita (Aunt), exercise!” and I’ll just shrug it off even though I’m aware that I badly need to exercise. Haha

This morning, he just quietly stared at me. I was hoping he would say his morning line again but not this time. My ate told him he should say it, his response was “Ayaw, Joy” (“She doesn’t want to”). He knew that I’m just going to ignore him again so he just remained silent.

I was reminded how God (a God of multiple chances) freely gives us every opportunity to hear Him out and to respond to Him but sometimes the greatest judgment He can give is to let us have our way which of course comes with consequences.

When we fail to acknowledge and obey His ways, we are not only left with the pain of the consequences but we miss out on the blessings He greatly desires to give.

Just a little reminder: let God rule before He overrules. Hear him out and call to Him while He is still patiently waiting on us. It’s still your call. 🙂

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